Izidoro has introduced in the market a range of reduced Kcal and increased protein

Izidoro has introduced in the market a range of reduced Kcal and increased protein

Izidoro has introduced in the market a range of reduced Kcal and increased protein products presented in two forms, as such: 4 products with reduced Kcal and 4 products with more protein.

The line of kilocalorie reduction is designed for people who value less caloric food. It is presented in packages of sliced extra leg`s ham and turkey breast`s ham weighing 110g, and 8 Kcal per slice and it belongs to the Deli Man segment. As for the sausage segment, known as the Grocer the product is presented in flask with 8 100% turkey sausage (22 Kcal per sausage), or 100% pork sausage (30 Kcal per sausage). Also gluten and lactose free and no colouring agents added.)

For those who have an active lifestyle and who are looking for alternative ways to consume protein, Izidoro presents the More Proteín (additional 30% protein) range in both segments, hams (The Deli Man) and Sausages (The Grocer). In the ham segment it is presented with double pack packages (2x40g)of extra leg ham and turkey breast ham in slices with less than 3% of fat. In the sausage segment, each flask has 5 100% turkey or 100% pork sausages, of extra quality. “We present a solution in two different areas namely, one that reinforces our healthier supply, (the reduced kilocalories range)and the other that enriches the nutritional value (the more protein range). These are two innovations that, based upon the quality of the meat maximizes the Izidoro brand for its benefit insofar they present new functional benefits and demystify dogmas and are presented to the consumer with a more appealing and differentiating image”, says Marco Andrade, Izidoro’s marketing director.

The introduction of new products in the market falls under the scope of a rebranding strategy.

Source: Grande Consumo